Friday, December 26, 2008

Incredible Ethiopia

Just wanted to drop a quick post and let everyone know we are here and safe. Sorry for taking so long to post but the internet is not very cooperative here. Ethiopia is incredible! The people are beautiful. As we drive down the streets there is an incredible mix of poverty, joy and beauty. On the same corner you will see homeless children and wealthy business people. Some are dressed in rags, others in traditional ethnic attire, and others in the most expensive business suits you would find in the US. We had an extremely busy day today. We went shopping, toured two museums, and went to an amazing traditional Ethiopian dinner with dance displays from all over Ethiopia. Africa has made a terrific impact on us so far. We have never seen such a mix of beauty, joy and despair in one place.

Tomorrow we will be traveling to our children's home town of Awassa where we will have a chance to meet our children's aunt. When we are on our way back to Addis Abbaba, on Monday, we will stop and pick up our children from their orphanage which is about an hour outside of the capital. Once we have them back we will not be able to leave the hotel with them until we leave on Friday.

The power has gone out in the middle of trying to send this email so I will save the text and send it when the power comes back on (I am now posting this Saturday morning).

1 comment:

Mindy said...

So glad to hear you made it there safe and sound! I'll be thinking of you this weekend as you meet your children's aunt...what a wonderful yet hard interaction that will be. Can't wait to hear about your kids!!!